Design direction by Pentagram:
Michael Bierut and Talia Cotton
92NY is a cultural organization in New York City which provies a wide variety of community services and arts initiatives.
To rebrand 92NY, we partnered with Pentagram to create a custom typeface and logo in the Didot style.
We referenced a range of fonts from the phototype era, including Firmin Didot from Lettera 1 (1954), CBS Didot by Freeman Craw (1966), and ITC Didi by Tom Carnase (1970).
While all Didots have the extreme thick-thin relationship that the genre is known for, 92NY Didot takes contrast a step further by compressing the hairline serifs on top of each other. The extremely tight spacing allows for a bold, yet legible, editorial voice for the organization.
Images courtesy of Pentagram and 92NY